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Blocked In for Prayer
http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/08/29/blocked-in-for-prayer/?_php=true&_type=blogs&ref=nyregion&_r=0 上記の新聞記事について、お教え下さい。 1) 2番目の段落で下記の所の最初の was は不要? My was initial reaction was self-righteous 2) 4番目の段落の下記のnumbersは1番目の段落のby a couple of taxis. の車の番号の事だろうか? I explained my situation and offered the numbers of the taxis. 3) 5番目の段落で邪魔をしていたタクシーの運転手が下記の様に申し出ている。投稿者は自分の車を使っていたはず。何かおかしい気がする。 In fact, the driver of cab G421, one of two who had parked me in, offered to take me where I needed to go. 下記は投稿に対するコメントの一つであるが、この様に考えていいように思うが? The offer to take him anywhere he wanted was ironic and valueless to the writer. 質問は以上のです。 宜しくお願いします。 ---以下はこの投稿に対する3つのコメントです。--- ---1番目のコメント--- MP San Diego, CA 6 hours ago Nice story. But being a non-New Yorker I am a little confused: - What is a 7pm spot - If you were blocked in by a couple of taxis I then assumed you had a parked car that was blocked - Once they unblocked can't you just drive anywhere on your own without relying on his offer to take you anywhere - Can't you leave the guitar and gig bag in the car trunk without lugging them around So maybe you didn't have a vehicle. But then what does being blocked in mean? ---2番目のコメント--- steve l is a trusted commenter Chestnut Ridge, NY 5 hours ago A 7 pm spot is one that becomes legal after 7 pm. (It's usually occupied with the driving waiting inside by 6:30.) The writer was indeed in such a vehicle. The offer to take him anywhere he wanted was ironic and valueless to the writer. Why he didn't put his instrument into the trunk of the car is a mystery, however. ---3番目のコメント--- Mrsteve12 New Jersey 6 hours ago And so, here's another instance where New Yorker's work through their impatience and anger by simply waiting out the situation and going with the flow. I'l bet he now has a better understanding and tolerance of other's culture. Both sides are the better for it. ---
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いつもお世話になります。 私は英語で書かれている文章は「文法的にも、論理的にも正しい」と思ってしまう未熟者の様です。(was は「これは間違い」とすぐ判りましたが) N.Y.Times のこの欄は時々面白い記事に出くわします。 投稿文も面白いですが、コメントも面白いですね ご回答有難う御座いました。