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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:文章を英訳して欲しい。)


  • 英語に精通している方、お力添えお願いします。この質問文章を英文に翻訳して欲しいです!私は英語が苦手で、自分の意見を英語で表現することに慣れていません。
  • 宮城県では、3.11の津波の影響で多くのお寺がなくなりましたが、まだたくさんの素晴らしいお寺が残っています。特に大崎八幡神社は歴史があり、日本の歴史と深く関わっています。京都には「血天井」という名前のお寺もあります。血天井は、戦国時代に武家屋敷やお城の縁側に付着した血痕や顔や鎧のあとを手厚く供養するためにお寺の天井に使用したものです。
  • 東京事変の「rakujitu(落日)」は好きな曲です。また、東京事変のボーカリストである椎名林檎さんの「kuki(茎)」は、忍者の思想や心境を思わせるような曲調と歌詞で魅力的です。私は英語が苦手で、英文を読んだり書いたりするのに苦労しています。


  • ベストアンサー
  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

日本語が少々いい加減(たとえば、お寺の話のはずなのに神社が出てきたり、宮城の話かと思えばいきなり京都の話に移ったり)でしたので、英語では多少そういうところを修正しておきました。 血天井というのは、お寺の名前ではありません。ーーは誤解を招く恐れもあり、不必要な文(英語ではとうていお寺の名前とは思えませんーーので省きました。 On March 11, 2010, the huge tsunami swept some temples and shrines away, but many other good ones remained. Among them is Osaki-Hachiman Shrine, which has a lot of history, and which is deeply related to the course of history of Japan. When it come to temples, Kyoto is a must. And if you visit temples in Kyoto, look for "blood ceilings." Why are they called blood ceilings? Because during the Age of Civil Wars, many people fought and got killed. In verandas of many samurai residences and castles had a lot of huge blood stains, which sank into the boards that they could not be washed away. Some of the blood stains were in the shape of heads or armors. To repose those people's souls, in some temples, those boards were taken from the verandas, brought in those temples and placed in the ceilings. You can still find those "blood ceilings" in temples in various parts of Kyoto. Yougen-in Temple is one of the most famous "blood ceiling" temples in Kyoto. You may be able to feel the age of samurai. Should you come to Japan, I would show you around those places. I like "Tokyo Jihen" a music band and my favorite music is "rakujitsu". The vocalist's name is "Shiina Ringo" and he is working in solo too. I like his music "kuki" (this music and lyric is excellent), which reminds me of old times of Japan, the days of ninja, old times with the philosophy and mind of ninja. I'm very poor at English. The toughest school subject is English. I'm not used to reading English, understanding English, and witing my opinions in English. 以上でいかがでしょうか。



こんなに詳しくありがとうございました! 私は日本語から怪しいですね(笑)....笑っていられない.... とにかく助かりました!ありがとうございました!


その他の回答 (1)


こんにちは。 先ず、英語で「寺」と「神社」はそれぞれ temple と shrine と区別します。英訳をスムーズにするためには、sacred places (聖なる所)を使います。それから、「血天井」の話しを短くアレーンジします。 The tsunami of March 11 wiped away many sacred places in Miyagi Prefecture, although many still remain. One of them is Hachiman Shrine, which is deeply connected with Japanese history. If you will be visiting temples in Japan, I hope you'll have a chance to see "blood ceilings" (in Japanese, "Chitenjo") in Kyoto. During Japan's Warring States period, many people fought and died. Blood flew onto samurai residences and castle verandas, and into the blood were also imprinted some of the combatants' faces and armor. These could not be wiped away no matter how hard one tried. The imprinted boards were removed and turned into the ceilings of many temples in and around Kyoto, where they are observed respectfully. One famous Blood Ceiling is at a temple named Yogenin. Seeing it makes you feel you are right there with living samurai. I'll take you around if you visit Japan. My favorite Tokyo Jihen song is "Rakujitsu." Lead vocalist Shiina Ringo also put out a song called "Kuki." The song's melody and lyrics make us think of ninja and people in old days, their way of thinking and the states of mind in which they lived. I really like that song. I'm terrible at translating into English. Back in school days English was the most difficult subject for me. When it comes to English, I'm still not used to reading, comprehending and expressing my ideas in writing. ご参考までに。



回答ありがとうございました! お陰で凄く助かりました!英語の勉強頑張ります...!!

