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smell a rat
Please show me the reason used "rat".
- みんなの回答 (3)
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I show you the reason why "rat" is used in the phrase. Things in life smell a rat because they simply can’t be mice. It has to be a rat and not a mouse or rabbit because what worries you is not just their smell but what lies beyond the smoke of odor; it’s a silhouette of doubt that anybody can be honest and straightforward to you. Smell a rat is an expression that one can feel a danger of betrayal by someone closed to you. As a verb, to rat means to betray. Betrayal is a pronoun for a rat, and doing just that is their ratting behavior that you can’t find in mice. To mouse is to cautiously navigate that you won’t hit a post even when you’re drunk or high on drugs. Rats betray their neighbor mice by eating them. And rates betray themselves by killing each other for a mouse. Rats could also deliberately betray you by disguising themselves as friendly squirrels after dark in the park. Rats learn to live by telling a lie at young age when their parents let them out for stealing your food by faking a cute little mouse. Mice would never deceive you by flying like sparrows because they’re down to earth and they can only go in their stride. Rats are secretive and hide themselves. They won’t show off their feces but when they do, they do it to their advantage as you mistake their droppings as a bunch of dead roaches. Mice are open-minded and they come and go as they like; they are happy to be your guest and even forget to go to bathroom when they feel like they’re at home, and they take comfort in pooping around anywhere in your house. And that could make a mouse your next hamster replacement. Rats are unclean, unholy, and untouchable. Mice are approachable and you can even touch them, or at least you can shadow practice on it by playing your mecha-mouse sitting pretty by your keyboard. You love a mouse, or you could have a love and hate relationship with a mouse. To a rat, only hate exudes and that’s totally unhealthy. Oh, that stinks. That smells really bad.
その他の回答 (2)
- Nebusoku3
- ベストアンサー率38% (1479/3860)
殆どNo1さんの回答どうりです。 smell a rat ニュアンス的には ”うさん臭い” のような感じでしょうか。 Please show me the reason used "rat". 貴方が(あの人に対して) "rat” と使う(言う) 理由を (私に) 示して下さいませんか? (あやしい)
- SPS700
- ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)
rat には、下記の2のように「信頼出来ない人」、「裏切り者」、「間者」といった意味があるので、動物だけではなく、なんだか信用出来ない人のような感じがする時、この言葉を使うのではないかと思います。 http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/english/rat
ごそうぞうにおまかせします のようなキレがみたかったのです