★Isthere any way to win the game?
→waysもあります。Are there any ways to win the game?
ただし、Isthere any way to win the game?の方が意味としてはいい場合が多いと思います。
any wayで、どんな方法でもということです。勝てそうもない。でも勝ちたい。どんな方法でもいい、勝つ方法はないのか?1つでもないのか?ーーという切羽詰まった感じがany wayです。
★more different や、most different を使った適当な英文が思いつかないのですが、どのような例文が考えられるのでしょうか?
→more different
Their lifestyles couldn't be more different. Longman
Beyond the tired cliches and sperm-and-egg basics taught in grade school science class, researchers are discovering that men and women are even more different than anyone realized. (Health & Medicine WeekOctober 18, 2004)
most different
Since from the thinnest objects (essentially a single sheet) to thick letters, a wide range of postal objects with most different mechanical properties--for example, bending behavior--as well as most different formats are to be printed or provided with franking, during the entire printing phase the printing must be adjusted or controlled with respect to the throughput speed or the travel distance covered by the postal object.
(Journal of Technology January 8, 2013)
A Danish researcher has compared two of the most different welfare systems in the western world. (NewsRx Health & Science October 7, 2012)
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