• 締切済み


態の助動詞+be+過去分詞の問題です。 例にならい、次の文を受動態の文にしなさい。 例)We must solve the problem of pollution. →The problem of pollution must be solved. 1 Somebody will tell you where to go. 2 You must chew food well. 3 We shouldn't use this word in formal situatiouns. 4 You should take this medicine three times a day. 5 You must write the answers on the paper. 6 Will you finish the work by tomorrow? 7 We can see the signal clearly from here. 8 They will hold the next meeting in May. 打ち間違いがあるかもしれませんが回答よろしくお願いいたします。


  • porquinha
  • ベストアンサー率35% (289/817)

1. You will be told by somebody where to go. 2.Food must be chewed well. 3.This word shouldn't be used in fomal situations. 4.This medicine should be taken three tumes a day. 5.The answer must be written on the paper. 6.The work will be finished by tomorrow? 7.The signal could be seen clearly from here. 8,The next meeting will be held in May.

