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http://www.nhk.or.jp/gendai/kiroku/detail_1403.html 51秒あたりの「the most important thing ~」のセリフで、次のアナウンサーがしゃべるまでを英語で書いてもらえませんか? 和訳はいりません。


  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

the most important thing, I think, is if you really start something new, you have to feel a passion about it. Because it is really hard. It's so hard to start something. You have to work so hard. If you have no passion about it, you will give up. And the most difference between people to succeed and people don't is people don't give up. They give up soon or succeed and you have to be passion about it is so difficult. という風に聞こえました。
