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A workplace that allows for more overall autonomy — one where shift workers work together to schedule around family needs (without forcing people to lose health care or benefits) and law firms don’t blink at an arrangement that allows a parent to leave in time for pick-up two to three times a week for a year or a decade — may be a distant dream, but it’s far from impossible. To get there, we need more willingness to talk about what works (like The New York Times assistant managing editor Susan Chira’s story of juggling a powerful career in journalism with raising two children) and what doesn’t (Professor Slaughter’s experience with commuting to Washington) and how parents and employers can create career arcs that accommodate family life’s ebbs and flows whether that career is in politics or in retail. Can it really benefit anyone that many hourly workers find flexibility only by quitting, and finding another hourly job when family pressure eases up? Every one of Working Mother magazine’s Best Companies for Hourly Workers 2012 offers at least child-care referrals, and half offer their own back-ups. The real disconnect isn’t between school hours and work hours, or between “having it all” and “staying home.” It’s not between what men and women stereotypically prioritize, or even between people with and without children (as Kate Bolick writes, Single People Deserve Work-Life Balance, Too) or “having a career” versus “having a job.” It’s between what’s really possible, and the choices we’ve given ourselves. A shorter version of this post appeared in print on page D2 of the New York Edition with the headline: If You’re Thinking of Having It All …? ほんとに困ってます。お願いします。
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