• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:【Twitter】英訳お願いします。)

How to politely ask to remove/block on Twitter?

  • I received a follow from someone on Twitter who seems to be from a foreign country, and I want to send them a message using the @ mention. However, I'm not confident in my English skills. Can someone please help me with the wording?
  • I would like to politely ask someone to remove or block me on Twitter. I'm not sure if the phrase 'remove/block' is commonly understood in English-speaking countries, especially when used in this context. Also, I would like to know the difference between 'How do you do' and 'Nice to meet you' in terms of politeness.
  • I want to introduce myself to someone who followed me on Twitter. I would like to express my gratitude for the follow and apologize for the possibility of using incorrect English in my message. I mainly tweet in Japanese, so I understand if they want to remove or block me. However, I'm not sure if the term 'remove' is widely understood in English-speaking countries.


  • ベストアンサー

Thank you for your following. My name is 〇〇. I am Japanese and I am not good at English. Please forgive me if my English is not good. My Tweets is mostly in Japanese. Remove or block if you don't like them. 実際に出会った訳ではありませんので、初対面の挨拶は省略しました。 How do you do? は正式、Nice to meat you.は口語的です。 普段の会話では、後者が圧倒的に多いです。



確かに最初の挨拶は無くても平気そうですね。 私は日本人ですのくだりはあっていたようで少しホッとしました^^; 普段話すときはNice~のほうを使うのですね。 How~は目上の方に使えばいいのでしょうか…? そこのところは自分で調べてみようと思います。 迅速かつ丁寧な回答ありがとうございました!大変助かりました! Have a nice day!!
