• 締切済み


明日誕生日を迎える友人にお誕生日メールを送りたいです。 彼は24歳、私より年上で、英語圏の方ではありませんが、普段のやり取りは全て英語でしています。 今同じ国にいるのですが住んでいる場所が離れています。こんな内容で大丈夫でしょうか?補足、アドバイスなどありましたらお願いします。 Happy birthday to you xxxx! What's your plan for today? I hope you will have a great time. I would wish you face to face if I could be there! And wanted to give you a present. Anyway happy birthday again! May this year be your best year ever :) Have fun!



Happy birthday xxxx! Do you have anything specail plan for today? I hope you have a great time. I wish I was able to say "Happy birthday" to your face and give you a present. Anyway, "Happy birthday!" again. May this is your best year. Have a fun!

  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

Happy birthday to you xxxx! What's your plan for today? I hope you will have a great time. I wish we were face to face if I could be there! And could give you my present. Anyway happy birthday again! May this year be your best year ever :) Have fun! 文法的なところにだけ若干修正を加えました。 素晴らしい内容です。

