現在、Point Of Viewについて勉強しています。
OmniscientとLimited Omniscientの違いがよく分かりません。
下に両方のPoint of Viewを現した同じような内容の文章があります。どうして、その文章がOmniscientとLimited Omniscientを現すのか分かりません。
まず、両方のOmniscientとLimited Omniscientについて。
Third person
Knowledge in unlimited (can peer inside the minds of characters -- express what they are thinking or feeling; can interpret their behavior)
Limited Omniscientについて。
Third person
Viewpoint of ONE character (tells what this character sees and hears, and thinks and feels -- shows no knowledge of what other characters see, hear, think or feel except for what this character knows or infers)
Resembles real life conditions more closely than ominiscient
Weary in every limb, the ant tugged over the snow a piece of corn he had stored up last summer. It would taste mighty good at dinner tonight.
A grasshoppers, cold and hungry, looked on. Finally he could bear it no longer. "Please, friend ant, may I have a bite of corn?"
"What were you doing all last summer?" asked the ant. He looked the grasshopper up and down. He knew its kind.
"I sang from dawn till dark, "replied the grasshopper, happily unaware of what was coming next.
"Well," said the ant, hardly bothering to conceal his contempt, "since you sang all summer, you can dance all winter."
Limited omniscient:
Weary in every limb, the ant tugged over the snow a piece of corn he had stored up last summer. It would taste mighty good at dinner tonight. It was then that he noticed the grasshopper, looking cold and pinched.
"Please, friend ant, may I have a bite of corn?" asked the grass shopper.
He looked the grasshopper up and down.
"What were you doing all last summer?" asked the ant. He knew its kind.
"I sang from dawn till dark, "replied the grasshopper, happily unaware of what was coming next.
"Well," said the ant, hardly bothering to conceal his contempt, "since you sang all summer, you can dance all winter."
A grasshoppers, cold and hungry, looked on. Finally he could bear it no longer. "Please, friend ant, may I have a bite of corn?"
"What were you doing all last summer?" asked the ant. He looked the grasshopper up and down. He knew its kind.
という文章で、2つ目の文の"What were you doing all last summer?"は、AntがGrasshopperに聞いた言葉だと思いますが、どうして、その後の言葉が asked the ant.なんでしょうか?
the ant askedではないのでしょうか?どちらも正解ですか?
asked the ant.となっていたので、AntがGrasshopperに尋ねたと思ったのにこんがらがってしまったもので・・・。