Capital punishment debate
I disagree with capital punishment and we had better repeal it.
Firstly, what is Capital punishment? it has a long history and now capital punishment debate is one of the human rights issues. Some people agree with death penalty and others disagree with it. And some countries adopt death penalty, such as, Japan, China, Iran, and so on. In Europe, Belarus is only country that adopt death penalty and this country does not belong to EU because she embraces death penalty. Thus this problem is so difficult for human being to solve.
Death penalty dose not prevents felonious crimes very much. We often hear the idea that death penalty stop offender killing other people. However, it is not exactly. According to the statistics of murder case in the United States, the number of the murder case in the State which adopts the penalty is larger than that doesn’t adopt it. Also according to a research, in a country where there is the penalty, after they abolished the penalty, the number of murder did not change dramatically. Moreover, a country where there is not the penalty, after they started the penalty, the number did not change hard, either. Thus we can say that death penalty may not have a power to prevent crimes. In spite of these, why there is capital punishment?
Is there any meaning that we kill the people who kill other? Maybe not. Offenders should pay for the victims and rehabilitate no matter how long it takes, so it is not good that not only victims but offenders are killed. As the Bible says, we should ‘condemn the offense, but pity the offender.’
It may cause the case where people who kill nobody are killed as a dearth penalty on a false charge. Indeed, there are many cases like this in the world. In Japan, it is not about death penalty, there are, too. In other word, it is an unmistakable murder. However, no one is bad― it is the death penalty that is not good.
In conclusion, death penalty has a little benefit and may lead terrible mistakes. And the Law makes offenders not kill but rehabilitate. Therefore I disagree with death penalty and we had better abolish it.
この度はお忙しい中お力添えを頂き、どうもありがとうございます。分かり易い文法の説明に加え、株の話まで教えて頂いて、とても勉強になりました。ID10T5さんは英語の先生なのかな?なんて勝手に想像していたのですが、ビジネスにもお詳しい様で、尊敬です!! 私は来年度、イギリスの大学院で環境学を学ぶ事を目標に励んでいるのですが、一般知識に加え英語力も低く、苦戦しております・・・。(;;) この風力発電は私の地元にあるものの話なのですが、「22% shareholder of the wind farm company, has not been receiving dividends from the company」について、「市は電力会社から配当を受け取ってはいるのですが、それが地域に還元されていない」という事を分かり易く表現したい場合、どのように書けばいいでしょうか・・・。(分かりにくい日本語で書いてしまい、すみませんでした。)図々しいお願いで申し訳ございませんが、ご教授願えれば幸いです。 今朝は6時に返答して頂いて、ID10T5さんは早起きですね!!冷え込んできましたので、どうぞお風邪などひかれません様に・・・
ID10T5様へのお礼への補足です One of the reasons could be that the city, which is 22% shareholder of the wind farm company, has not return its profits to society, nor consuming electricity generated by the company. 「地域に還元されていない」という部分が伝わる様な英文になっているでしょうか?(そのまんまID10T5さんに作って頂いた文章なんですけど(笑))お時間許しましたら、添削の程よろしくお願い致します