The Menopause: Understanding the Natural Termination of Menstruation and Its Effects on Women's Health
The menopause is a natural process in which women experience physiological changes leading to the termination of menstruation and the menstrual cycle.
During the menopause, women may experience hot flashes and find their periods unpleasant. However, it is not seen as a major crisis by middle-aged women.
Postmenopausal women generally have a positive outlook on this phase of life, as it signifies the end of fertility.
The menopause
The word menopause is derived from the Greek menos, mouth, and paueis, to cause to cease. It refers to an abrupt period of time in which physiological changes in women result in natural termination of menstruation and the menstrual cycle. During the menopause, women sometimes experience “hot flashes”, and many women report that period is unpleasant. It signals the end of fertility, but it is not viewed by middle-aged women as a heavy crisis; only 4 percent checked “the menopause” in a question on the worst thing about middle age, and most women who are postmenopausal feel positively about it (Troll, 1975).
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