New Freshman Students (without ANY post-secondary work—international or U.S.)→フレッシュマン(post-secondery workとは何ですか?)
An entering freshman student must send secondary school marks and final diploma(secondery school marksとは高校の成績書ですよね)、 BYU does not grant admission until the final official completion document is received. Admission decisions will not be made on predicted scores.
The following guidelines, listed by geographical area, describe minimum academic qualifications for applicants who have never attended a college or university internationally or in the U.S. Higher academic credentials will increase the chances for admission.
Students who have attended any college or university, either internationally or in the U.S., must apply as a transfer student. Declaring international work done previously will not affect your chances of being admitted or your choice of majors. You are required to submit a complete educational history for the committee to review(ここはわかります)
All academic documents must be official. They may not be faxed. An official English translation of the documents is also required in the same format as the original document(ここもわかります)
Note: University credit will not be granted for classes taken at the secondary school level(よくわかりません)
Japan: Submit the Diploma of Graduation from an upper-secondary school with an overall average of at least 4.4. Students must complete all 3 years before an application can be considered(日本の項目なのですが、ここの意味がよくわかりません。高校の成績が五段階で4.4以上ないと入学が審査されないということでしょうか?)