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英語が得意な方,添削御願いします[Part 2]
Part2です 添削できる方がいたら,宜しく御願いします 問題は44問あります []が私の解答です Q4. B.日本語と同じ意味になるように{}内の語を並べ替えよ 1.彼等は明後日,横浜を訪れるつもりだ They {are/to/going/Yokohama/visit} the day after tomorrow. [are going to visit Yokohama] 2.私の父は明日貴方を空港まで見送りに行く My father {at/off/will/see/you} the airport tomorrow. [will see you off at] 3.私はこの週末,東京に買い物に行く I {am/shopping/going/in} Tokyo this weekend. [am going shopping in] 4.私の両親は今度の日曜日に,バスで伊豆に行く My parents {a/are/bus/taking/to} Izu next Sunday. [are talking a bus to] C.日本語と同じ意味になつように,文を完成させよ 1.友人と私は北海道にスキーに行く My {} and I {} {} {} in hokkaido. [friend] [will] [go] [skiing] 2.私たちはそこで雪祭りを見る We {} {} the Snow Festival there. [are] [watching] 3.温泉にも行く We {} {} {} a hot spring to. [are] [going] [to] 4.楽しい時を過ごせればいいと思う I hope that we {} {} {} {} time. [will] [have] [a] [good] Q5. A.{}内から適切な語を選び,文を完成させよ 1.We {practiced/have practiced} "kendo" yesterday. [practiced] 2.Ken and I {are/have been} in the junior orchestre for two years. [have been] 3.This is the best book I {read/have ever red}. [read] 4.I {am playing/have been playing} the piano since I was three years old. [have been playing] B.日本語と同じ意味になるように,{}内の語を並べ替えよ 1.私はこの学校に入ってから沢山の友達ができた I {a lot of/have/friends/made/since} I entered this school. [have made a lot of friends since] 2.私はトム・クルーズの映画を見逃した事はない I {any/never/have/missed} of Tom Cruise's movies. [have never missed any] 3.彼等は既にコンサートチケットを買った He {already/bought/has/a concert} ticket. [has already bought a concert] 4.彼等は今朝から音楽を聴いている They {been/have/listening/music/to} since this morning. C.日本語と同じ意味になるように,文を完成させよ 1.私の友人がちょうどDVDを私にくれたところだ My friend {} {} {} me a DVD. [has] [just] [gave] 2.私は長い間,それが欲しいと思っていた I {} {} it for a long time. [have] [wanted] 3.私はそのDVDを1時間ずっと見ている I {} {} {} that DVD for an hour. [have] [been] [watching] 4.私はこんなに面白い映画を見た事がない I {} {} {} such an interesting movie. [have] [never] [watched] Q6. A.{}内から適切な語を選び,文を完成させよ 1.I feel sleepy. I {should/must not} go to bed. [should] 2.I am good at sports. I {can/must} play tennis very well. [can] 3.He broke his leg,so he {cannot/should} walk. [cannot] 4.He has a cold,but he {may/cannot} go out tonight. [may] B.日本語と同じ意味になるように,{}内の語を並べ替えよ 1.私達はバランスのとれた食事をとるべきだ We {balanced meals/eat/should}. [should eat balanced meals] 2.間食をしてはいけない We {between meals/must/eat/not}. [must not eat between meals] 3.沢山睡眠をとると勉強に集中することができる We {concentrate/can/our studies/on} when we get enough sleep. [can concentrate on our studies] 4.朝練があるかもしれない We {extra practice/have/in the morning/may}. [may extra practice have in the morning] C.日本語と同じ意味になるように,文を完成させよ 1.病気を予防するため,あなたに出来る事がいくつかある There are a few things you {} {} to prevent illness. [can] [do] 2.家に帰ったら,手を洗い嗽をしなければならない When you get home,you {} {} your hands and gargle. [must] [wash] 3.ビタミンCを沢山とってもいいだろう You {} {} in a lot of vitamin C. [may] [ingest] 4.また,皆インフルエンザの予防接種を受けるべきだ Also,everyone {} {} a ful shot. [should] [have] Q7. A.{}内の語を適切な形にして,文を完成させよ 1.The Golden Gate Bridge {complete} in 1937. [was completed] 2.I {move} by the Grand Canyou when I went there last year. [is moved] 3.Picasso's paintings {display} at my city's museum next week. [are displayed] 4."Mona Lisa" {paint} by Leonardo da Vinci. [was painted] B.日本語と同じ意味になるように,{}内の語を並べ替えよ 1.伊勢神社は20年ごとに建て替えられる Ise Shrine {every/rebuilt/is/20 years}. [is rebuilt every 20 years] 2.私の大好きなミロの絵は,ニューヨークの美術館に所蔵されている My favorite Miro' painting {in/is/housed} a museum in New York. [is housed in] 3.自由の女神像は,世界中のすべての人に知られている The Statue of Liberty {everyone/to/known/is} in the world. [is known to everyone] 4.銀閣寺の庭は今,雪で覆われている The garden of the Ginkakuji Temple {covered/is/snow/with} now. [is sovered with snow] C.日本語と同じ意味になるように,文を完成させよ 1.私は奈良に行くので興奮した I {} {} to go to Nara. [am] [excited] 2.東大寺は8Cに建てられた The Todaiji Temple {} {} {} the eighth century. [was] [built] [in] 3.それは地震や火事が原因で何度も修復された It {} {} several times because of earthquakes and fires. [was] [repaired] 4.将来のために,それはよく保存されるべきだ It {} {} well {} care of for the future. [should] [be] [took]
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- ベストアンサー率63% (6647/10387)