One year ago, the nominal exchange rate for USD/EUR was 1.300. Since then, the real exchange ratew has increased by 3%. This most likely implies that:
a. the nominal exchange rate is less than USD/EUR 1.235
b. the purchasing power of the euro has increased approximately 3% in terms of US goods
c. inflation in the euro zone was approximately 3% higher than inflation in the US
で正解はBとなっていました。実質為替レートSr(USD/EURO)=(USD/CPI in US)/(EURO/ CPI in EURO)=(CPI in EURO)/(CPI in US)*Sn(USD/EURO)でSr/Sn=(CPI in EURO)/(CPI in US)=1.03となりユーロ圏の消費者物価指数がとなるのでユーロ圏の購買力は低下しているように思えるのですが考え方間違っていますでしょうか?経済にお詳しい方ご回答頂けますと幸いです。よろしくお願いいたします。