Thank you for your email. I have verified your UGG customer account for your order # 4442642. It will take our order processing department 7 days or more for us to send the product if you would like to proceed with your check as payment. Or, you can also send pay for your order by credit card, this way we can expedite the shipping to you. I do apologize for the delay but we have to verify the check before releasing your order. Please respond to this email as to how you would like to process payment to your order.
If you have further questions you can reach us at 1-888-432-8530. Thank you and we do look forward to assist you here shortly.
To: UGG Customer Center
I am contacting you regarding my remittance.
I have already sent a remittance to you on 18th October by Addressed remittance address (usual exchange) from Japan Post Bank, because I have mistaken how to pay for it on the web.
I am sorry to trouble you so much, but I hope you will send the item as soon as possible after your conformation.
Thank you in advance.
I'd like to keep my money order you've already received as my payment method instead of switching to credit card payment. I understand that payment with money order makes the shipping period longer. I'm looking forward to receiving the boots.
他の質問に続きこちらにもお答えいただきありがとうございます。再度 こちらの英文を送ってみます。英語力が乏しいのに 海外サイトで買い物なんて・・・反省しています。