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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:至急!!英語得意な方ご協力お願いします<(_ _)>)


  • 運転免許取得年齢を25歳以上にすべきでない理由として、就職の問題が挙げられます。また、運転免許の保有者が減ると車の販売台数も減ってしまうことや、地方都市での車の重要性が影響を受けることも大きな問題です。
  • 運転免許取得年齢を25歳以上にするべきでない理由として、就職の問題があります。また、運転免許の保有者の減少が車の販売台数や経済に悪影響を与えることや、地方都市での車の重要性が軽視されることも大きな問題です。
  • 運転免許取得年齢を25歳以上にすべきでない理由として、就職の問題が挙げられます。また、運転免許保有者の減少が車の販売台数減少や地方都市での車の重要性減少につながるため、様々な面での影響が懸念されます。


  • ベストアンサー

As 2nd reason, if the holder of a driver's license decreases, it will be raised that the volume of sales of a car also becomes fewer. In a subcontract etc., sales of decrease [ the sales in the country of a motor vehicle industry ] decrease. Also economically, a remarkable loss comes out. Economic loss of Japan Influence on the employment accompanying it Big minus comes out in respect of being various. Moreover, driving schools all over the country are also affected by influence because a holder decreases. "Importance of the car in a local city" is raised as 3rd reason. Those who have only public traffic in a local city as for the range which can attend the office and attend school comfortably if public traffic is severe and it is Tokyo have forced inconvenience very much even in Japan. 比較的使える翻訳ソフトから引っ張ってきました。結構変な部分があるとは思いますが参考にどうぞ。 ひとつ前のものは自力で訳してます。

その他の回答 (2)


There are three reasons why some people oppose to the policy to raise a national driving age from 18 to 25. First, they argue that the policy will affect the job market. Raising a driver’s license from 18 to 25 is counter-productive to young people. Some of us who choose a job over a college after graduating high school are likely to trouble securing a job, especially the one that requires them to drive a car as qualifications to work. It also produces the work-related constraints to college graduates as well as the employers, since they have to wait for three years to get a driver’s license. Second, the opponents contend that it leads to the decrease of eligible drivers and eventually brings a cascade of detrimental effects on domestic market. The drop of car sales among the auto manufacturers, including wholesale car dealers and the subsidiaries, brings out a catastrophic economic loss that affects the several aspects of domestic economy regarding job market and employment. Driving schools will also sustain a significant loss of the students who are eligible to get a driver’s license. Third, the opponents point out the importance of car as a public transportation in regional areas. In Japan, unlike Tokyo where commuters can enjoy the convenience and efficiency for saving time and money, many local cities have the problem with poor public transportation system. Since cars are indispensable to local commuters to drive for work, the policy will put an utmost burden on the people whose lives are affected due to little availability of public transportation.


There is an opinion that the age that people can acquire Driver's license should not be over 25 years old. The first reason is the problem of employment. Now,in Japan, Driver's license is acquirable from 18 years old.18 years old is the age of graduation from a high school and someone get jobs without going on to a university like us.Then there are a lot of jobs which can't be performed without an abirity of driving cars,so a position will decrease sharply. Moreover if we have graduated from the university,we can't obtain Driver's license for three years.Isn't this that not only us but the company side is troubled? すいません。時間がないのでとりあえずココまでで。稚拙とは思いますがが参考にしていただけると幸いです。
