科学論文翻訳の添削のお願い その1
おもしろそう(生きたまま電子顕微鏡で動物を観察する技術)なのでよみはじめましたが,しっくりしません.どなたか添削をお願いします. 特に(6),(9)はお手上げ状態です.
(1)A thin polymer membrane, nano-suit, enhancing survival across the continuum between air and high vacuum
(2)Edited by David L. Denlinger, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, and approved March 8, 2013 (received for review December 10, 2012)
(2)編集:David L. Denlinger オハイオ州立大学 コロンバス(オハイオ州)
(3)Most multicellular organisms can only survive under atmospheric pressure.
The reduced pressure of a high vacuum usually leads to rapid dehydration and death.
(5)Here we show that a simple surface modification can render multicellular organisms strongly tolerant to high vacuum.
(6)Animals that collapsed under high vacuum continued to move following exposure of their natural extracellular surface layer (or that of an artificial coat-like polysorbitan monolaurate) to an electron beam or plasma ionization (i.e., conditions known to enhance polymer formation).
(7)Transmission electron microscopic observations revealed the existence of a thin polymerized extra layer on the surface of the animal.
(8)The layer acts as a flexible “nano-suit” barrier to the passage of gases and liquids and thus protects the organism.
(9)Furthermore, the biocompatible molecule, the component of the nano-suit, was fabricated into a “biomimetic” free-standing membrane.
ご丁寧に一般論の特定をしていただきありがとうございます。 常識としてはその通りだろうと思います。 きれいな箸をばい菌が動くことはありえないという主張であると解釈してよろしいでしょうか。