Harlow`s claims notwithstanding,do you think it`s appropriate to view humans as having the same attachment(or love)processes as monkeys?
There has been some research to support the view that the attachment of human babies to their caregivers does indeed go well beyond simply fulfilling biological needs.
It has been shown that greater skin-to-skin contact between a mother and her very young infant enhances attachment(Kjaus&Kennell,1976).
However, the attachment process develops much more slowly in humans:over the first six month compared with the first few days for monkeys.
In addition,only approximately 70% of children appear to be security attachment to an adult at one year old(Sroufe,1985).
There are many people, past and present, who would affair criticisms of Harlow`s work based on the ethos of performing such experiments on infant monkeys.
The question raised is this :Do we as humans have the right to subject monkeys(or any animal) to potentially harmful situations for the sake of research?
In the case of Harlow`s research, there are sensible arguments on both sides.
One of the ways science judges the ethics of such research is by examining the potential benefits to people and society.
Whether you feel that this study was ethical or not, the finding have affected humans in several positive ways.
Some of these relate to issues of institutionalized children,adoption,and child abuse.