- ベストアンサー
急速に進んでいる「高齢化」は、長寿化による高齢者の増加と、少子化に よる若年層の減少が相乗効果を及ぼしている。これは経済活力の低下を招く。高齢被扶養者数、要介護者数の増大から、これに要するであろう年金、医療、介護などのための負担が、経済活力の低下に結びつくということだ。この高齢化社会の中をよりよく暮らしていくために、地域の福祉ボランティア育成、医療・福祉専門家の養成、子育て支援が必要である。私達は現役世代として、一人一人の意識を高め、第三者の姿勢から脱却する必要がある。これからは医療や福祉の専門家だけでなく様々な分野の人が意見を出し合って、この高齢化に備えていくべきだ。 というところなのですが、日本語が難しいとうまく英訳できません。参考にさせていただきたいです。
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
今日は飲んで帰ったので気分がいいから、宿題まる投げみたいなのもてつだっちゃうぞ!!(ひっく) 酔っ払ってるので、関係代名詞とかで文をつなぐのは、できないよ。時制の一致とか、めんどくさいし。(ひっく) こむずかしい長い文は、ぶった切って、ばらばらにぶんかいだぁ!(うぃ~) こんなもんだろ、どうだ~ Our society is rapidly aging. On the one hand, older population is increasing as people live longer. On the other hand, younger population is decreasing as people have fewer children. These two factors are working together to make our society older and older. This will affect our economy. As we need to support and nurse more and more elder people, the costs of pensions and medical and nursing care will increase. This will inevitably reduce the energy of our economy. For a better life in the aging society, we need more volunteer workers working in the community, as well as medical and welfare specialists. We also need a system to help parents raising children. We, the working generation, must pay more attention to the problem. We must not treat it as somebody else’s problem. We all have to prepare for the aging society. We cannot leave it to the medical and welfare specialists. All of us must express our opinion for a better society. せんせがいい点くれなくても、おれのせいじゃないぞ~(うが~)
その他の回答 (1)
The combination of the increase in the longevity of old people, coupled with the reduction in birth rate is causing an acceleration of the aging population problem. This has an adverse effect on the economy as a whole. Specifically, the increase in older people that need care and nursing along with the associated burden of pension, medical and nursing care will undoubtedly weaken the vitality of the economy. In order to realize a better way of living, there is a need to support activities such as cultivation of local community volunteers, training of more medical and welfare specialists, and assistance in child raising. We, as the current generation, must individually increase our awareness of these issues, and not treat them as being the problems of someone else. These issues should be considered not only by the medical and welfare specialists, but also by other people from other disciplines in order for us to prepare for the aging population future. 最新鋭機械翻訳なら、こんな感じになりますが、これを信用しますか?
宿題まる投げじゃないですよぅ(;;) なるほど~、ほとんどわかる単語ですよね。どうもありがとうございました!