Webから拾い集めた grow flower(s)です。下記の文章を読んでいただければ質問者の聞いている内容がNativeの言葉ですべて書かれていますよ。
Handmade plantable stationery - favors, invitations and paper that grow beautiful wildflowers ..
Bulbs grow flowers, so here is a UK site that can be useful to techies blowing 'Bubbles'. http://・・・
Bee pollinating a flower. Most plants grow flowers each year, but some take much longer.
UPDATE CENTER. flower: reproduction. Most plants grow flowers of some kind. The flowers are where the plant produces its seeds. Pete Oxford/Nature Picture Library.
Annual herbs are usually grown from seed; they grow, flower, and produce seed during one season, and then die. Biennial herbs grow for two seasons, flowering the second year only. Perennial herbs, once established, overwinter and flowe
If you live in more northern regions you should grow the eucalyptus tree indoors. These trees will grow flowers but you still can enjoy the beautiful blue/green leaves that you can use in bouquets. Move the container with the tree
This may come as a surprise to many, but cactus grow flowers too, and beautiful ones at that. However, the cactus requires great care for them to grow flowers - I have only seen a cactus flower once locally and that is ...
The tops of the arms and trunk of this cactus grow flowers once a year that bloom after the sun has gone down and then close around midday the next day, only opening their glorious blossoms once. It is a very spectacular site to see an ...