Meaning of "be supposed to".
Meaning of "be supposed to".
Be supposed toの意味をきちんとわかりたいのですが、よろしくおねがいします。調べたところによると、supposed toは ある掲示板でこう説明されていました。
Dear teachers,
Please explain to me "be supposed to"
"She was supposed to know how to behave properly."
"She was supposed to know how to behave properly."
This sentence means that people said she knew how to behave properly.
This sentence means that people said she knew how to behave properly
What about " supposed to " which means " a duty" ?
Another challenging question!
As you say, 'to be supposed to' can also mean to be expected or required, not only by duty, but also by law, morality, custom etc. (to do something). Now, to convey this meaning, I would just say: "She was supposed to behave properly" (it was her duty to act rightly). Still, it can also mean: "People said or took for granted that..."(期待されている、要求されていることも意味し、dutyだけではない)
上のように英語でbe supposed to doは説明されていました。
The function of the window of a tea-cecremony room is fondamentally different from that of the European window. You are not supposed to look through [out of ] the window of a tea -ceremony room. It is there to give you some idea of what is outside.という英文でなぜ「それは外を見るためのものではなく」という日本語で、英語が、you are not supposed to look...と be supposed to doが使われていうのですか?
理解したつもりになっているsupposed to doの解釈が間違っているのでしょうか?
回答ありが追うございます。なるほど、結構クリアーになりました。 丁寧答えてくれてありがとう。