• ベストアンサー


英文にしてみたのですが、あってるかわかりません。 添削しなおして下さい。 おねがいします。 I was going to North Kyusyu at a long time. As I love Kyusyu is one of my sightseeing places,I looked forward to visiting there. Jast the tyhoon. I went to the tyhoon. As a result,The Supace word crosed. I stayed at next Hotel to put in the hot spling to eat nice denner. Next day,The tyhoon went away to Shikoku. Therefor Weather is not good. I visited Dazaifu Tenmangu at the frist time. I went to watch some material in a memorial hall in Dazaifu Tenmangu. And then I went for lunch to be steam the eel in Yanagawa . After that I took the bullet train Nozomi at Hakata station. 久しぶりに北九州に行くことになりました。 九州は大好きな観光地の1つなので、とても楽しみにしていました。 なのに、ちょうど台風が来ていて、台風に向かって行く破目になりました。。・゜゜ '゜(*/□\*) '゜゜゜・。うわぁ~ん 当然ですが、スペースワールドは閉園です。お隣のホテルで温泉と料理を楽しみました。 二日目は、台風は去ったのですがまだまだ風が強く雨も降っていましたが、大宰府天満宮に行きました。なんと、はじめて行きました。資料館と宝物館も見て回ると1時間以上は必要ですね~ 昼食は柳川まで足を延ばしてうなぎのセイロ蒸を食べました。 そして、博多駅からのぞみで帰って着ました。とさ(*´ェ`*)


  • ベストアンサー
  • florida2
  • ベストアンサー率45% (50/110)

1.久々に~した for the first time in agesと表現しましょう。また、具体的に~年ぶりというときはfor the first time in ~yearsです。北九州・・・Kitakyushuです。 I went to Kitakyushu for the first time in ages. Kyushu is one of my favorites places, so I'd had been looking forward to visiting there. としてみました。大好きな~はfavoriteを用いると便利です。As I love Kyushu is one of my sightseeing placesは意味が通じません。 Unfortunately, the typhoon was approaching. It means that I was heading for the typhoon. Space World was, of course, closed as I had expected. 残念だけど台風が来ていて・・・と考えたらよいのでは? So I had no choice but to stay at the hotel next to Space World and enjoyed hot springs and dinner there. The next day, the typhoon was gone, but the weather was still rough. I made a visit to Dazaifu Temmangu Shrine in spite of the gusty wind and rain. This was my first visit there. It might take more than one hour to walk around and see all the exhibitions at the museums, where reference materials and treasures were exhibited. 初めて~を訪れるというとき This is my first visit to~ / I went to~ for the first time. などの表現が使えます。時間がかかるもIt takes O(時間)to不定詞でto不定詞するのに~かかる。と表現できます。 Then I went all the way to Yanagawa, and had steamed eel for lunch there. お昼ご飯に~をたべる eat/have O for lunchと言えます。all the wayを用いるとわざわざ行ったという感じがでます。 I took a Nozomi, a bullet train, at Hakata Station and came home. スペルの間違いも多いようでしたので、ご自分でも辞書を使ってチェックしてみて下さいね。worldやtyphoonなど



大変わかりやすかったです。 ありがとうございました。

その他の回答 (3)

  • mabomk
  • ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)

三番です。 In fact Heavy rain and wind welcomed me at Space World. 「直訳」実際、台風の雨と風が私をスペースワールドで歓迎した。 「意訳」スペースワールドでは雨と風による歓迎を受けた。 をあそこの部分に追加(挿入)して下さい。 After long interval I decided to make my visit to Kita-Kyushuu. As Kyushuu is one of the my most favorite place to visit, I really looked forward to it. But, how unlucky I was, I found I was just heading toward the typhoon route on that day. In fact Heavy rain and wind welcomed me at Space World. Instead of Space World closed due to the approaching typhoon, I enjoyed spa and good lunch at neighboring hotel. The next day I visited Dazaifu Tenmangu(Shrine), though it was still raining with strong wind even after the typhoon was gone. To be frank it was my first visit to the Shrine. It took me more than one hour to see the library and museum. Of course, I paid my short visit to Yanagawa where I took my lunch - the famous and so delicious steamed eel bowl. On my return I took Nozomi train from Hakata.




  • mabomk
  • ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)

今度私が廻るコース(スペースワールド以外)と一緒なので、 出来たらこのまま丸暗記しても良い位の模範解答を書きます((爆))。ウソですよ、ウソ。 参考になる部分があれば覚えて下さい。 After long interval I decided to make my visit to Kita-Kyushuu. As Kyushuu is one of the my most favorite place to visit, I really looked forward to it. But, how unlucky I was, I found I was just heading toward the typhoon route on that day. Instead of Space World closed due to the approaching typhoon, I enjoyed spa and good lunch at neighboring hotel. The next day I visited Dazaifu Tenmangu(Shrine), though it was still raining with strong wind even after the typhoon was gone. To be frank it was my first visit to the Shrine. It took me more than one hour to see the library and museum. Of course, I paid my short visit to Yanagawa where I took my lunch - the famous and so delicious steamed eel bowl. On my return I took Nozomi train from Hakata. the famous and so delicious steamed eel bowl. の部分には拙者の趣味嗜好が殊の外強く反映されています。


北九州はKitakyuusyuuでいいのではないでしょうか。 >I went to the tyhoon. 意味が不明です。