前々回の質問で、out there の意味を聞きました。今回もこれです。だいぶこの言葉のイメージ、ニュアンスはつかめたように感じますが、復習をかねて再度質問させて下さい。
Fast-forward to the present and my life, like most of our lives, is positively overflowing with gadgets - laptops, mobile phones, sat-navs, digital TV. I've just gone on to Facebook (or Crackbook as it should be called, it's so addictive) and my wife is complaining that I spend all day hunched over the laptop. I pretend that I'm working but I'm not really, I'm sort of cyber-grazing while my dogs go unwalked and my kids go unfed. This, therefore, is my life. So when I get a call from the people at the magazine you are holding asking me whether I'd be interested in writing an article about living for seven days without any gadgets invented in the past 25 years, I go all cold down the back of my spine (a bit like someone suddenly mentioning that you seem to drink an awful lot: it's suddenly out there and, although it's your worst nightmare, it also feels like a weird lifeline has been thrown to you).
上記文章中の it's suddenly out there and, although it's your worst nightmare, it also feels like a weird lifeline has been thrown to you の訳をお願い致します。