Hey guys. If you like Saturn Returns go check this out-
Hi Everyone,
Many of you may (or may not!) know about Facebook's new plan to, basically, steal money from those who have a fan page on FB.
They are throttling the views on people's news feeds, for pages they have liked, in order to force those with fan pages to pay "promotional" fees. This means every time we post something, unless we pay FB, only 15% of the people who indicated they wanted to hear from us by "liking" our fan page, are actually getting our posts.
In order to have our posts reach you, and also to show FB that what they are doing is crappy, we would ask that you do the following:
1) Go to the fan page
2) Hover over "Liked" and click "Add to interests lists"
This way you can see ALL our posts, not just what randomly shows up in the newsfeed.
※「Saturn Returns」というのは、バンド名です。