“Don’t return to philosophy as a task-master, but as patients seek out relief in a treatment of sore eyes, or a dressing for a burn, or from an ointment. Regarding it this way, you’ll obey reason without putting it on display and rest easy in its care.”
task-master の解釈がよく理解できません。
Regarding it this way, you’ll obey reason without putting it on display and rest easy in its care.
putting it on display が全く分からないです。
it が何を指すのかも分からないです。
Do not be disgusted, or discouraged, or dissatisfied, if you do not succeed in doing everything according to right principles; but when you have failed, return back again, and be content if the greater part of what you do is consistent with man's nature, and love this to which you return.
And do not return to philosophy as if she were a master, but act like those who have sore eyes and apply a bit of sponge and egg, or as another applies a plaster, or drenching with water. For thus you will not fail to obey reason, and you will repose in it.
添付ファイル文章にあるwithout putting it on displayがこちらの文章になく、この表現をどのように解釈すれば良いのか分かりませんでした。
And remember that philosophy requires only the things that your nature requires, but you would have something else that is not according to Nature.
It may be objected, why something is more agreeable than this that I am doing? But is not this the very reason why pleasure deceives us? And consider if magnanimity, freedom, simplicity, equanimity, piety, are not more agreeable. For what is more agreeable than wisdom itself, when you think of the security and the happy course of all things that depend on the faculty of understanding and knowledge?
それは、反発しているかもしれない。何かが、私がしていることより好ましいのはなぜなのか?しかし、それがまさしく快楽が私達を欺く理由ではないか? そして、寛大さ、自由、簡潔さ、平静、敬虔がより好ましくないかどうか検討しなさい。ウィズダムそのものより好ましいもののために、?理解と知識の能力に頼る全てのものの満足な行く末と安全を考えるとき?
—Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, Book 5 (tr Long)
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