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Just a 90-minute drive from Washington, D.C., one company is working to take oil from the canola plant from the field to the fryer to the fuel tank, and do it all locally.
In the worldwide search for alternative energy sources, vegetable oil is becoming an increasingly popular substitute for crude oil.
Just a 90-minute drive from Washington, D.C., one company is working to take oil from the canola plant from the field to the fryer to the fuel tank, and do it all locally.
Company executives say it's a system that could work anywhere in the world.
After the restaurant has fried all it can with the oil, Shenandoah has plans for it.
"They're going to turn it into biodiesel," says Bennett.
丁寧に再度ご解説頂きありがとうございます! >これは「後置修飾」と呼ばれる構造で、normal to the plane >「平面に対して垂直な」という形容詞句が、名詞motion「運動」を >後ろから修飾している格好になっているわけですね。 なるほど,後置修飾という構造なのですね.大変勉強になりました.本当にありがとうございました.