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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:push the subject)

What to Do When Your Partner Blocks You on Facebook: Should You Push the Subject?

  • I have been with my boyfriend for four years, and we have lived together from the beginning. We’ve had our trust issues, but I believe we’ve largely worked through them. However, there is one issue that bothers me: my boyfriend blocked me on Facebook during a fight and refuses to re-add me.
  • I feel hurt and embarrassed when friends mention things he’s posted and I have to pretend like I know what they are talking about. I also think it’s strange that he won’t allow me to be a part of the most public aspect of his life because he wants privacy.
  • I’ve tried to talk to him about it, but he shuts the conversation down. Should I confront him and push the subject, or should I just let it go?


  • ベストアンサー

このpushは、↓の他動詞の3番の「強要する」みたいな意味 https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=push the subjectは、「FB友達の件」なので、、 (相手が嫌がっていても)FB友達になることを、強要すべきか? Do I deal with it or push the subject? FB友達の件については、我慢すべきか、無理にでもFB友達にしてもらうべきでしょうか?


