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My Girlfriend's Weight: A Sensitive Issue in Our Relationship

  • As a thin guy, I've always been physically attracted to thinner girls. However, my girlfriend's weight has become a minor issue for me, even though I love her and would never ask her to change.
  • After speaking to my therapist and roommate, I decided to bring up the issue with my girlfriend. Unfortunately, she didn't respond as understandingly as I had hoped and felt hurt and violated.
  • I'm questioning whether I should have been more sensitive to how women think and if I should have discussed this matter with another woman first. I want our relationship to come out stronger from this experience.


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

1. ご指摘の通り "that" の代わりにコンマの方が読み易いと思います。コンマの後に "then" を入れてもよいと思います。 they both thought that if it was something on my mind and was making me a little uneasy, (then) I should bring it up with her. 彼らは共に、そのことがもし私の頭の中にあって、それが多少なりとも私を不安にさせているのなら、私はそのことを彼女に持ち出すべきだ、という考えを持っていた。 2. "but I just want to come out stronger" には "us" が隠れているように思います。 ⇒ "but I just want (us) to come out stronger." 「私はただ私たちの関係が(このこことによって)より強まることを望んでいるのです。」 Our relationship never hinged on her weight, but I just want to come out stronger. 私たちの関係は彼女の体重に左右されるようなものでは決してありません。ただ私は私たちの関係が(これで)より強まることを望んでいるのです。




