Find out the best way to approach a depressed best friend and address your concerns without causing harm.
Consider talking with your best friend individually instead of ambushing her with multiple people, as it may feel overwhelming.
If you believe your friend is in immediate danger, seeking help from a school counselor is recommended.
Q. Depressed best friend: A good friend of mine, Z, is depressed. I noticed before anyone else, as I recognized her change in demeanor and the things she said from when I was depressed myself. I told a mutual best friend of ours, A, about my concerns, and recently Z admitted to A that she is not doing well. We have decided it would be best to talk with Z before we do anything else. But I think that talking with her with the two of us might feel like an ambush to Z. I’m also scared that this may cause me to relapse (although I don’t know how real the chances of that are). However, I think I am better at seeing certain signs of mental health issues than A (with which A agrees), as I suffer(ed) from them myself. We could also go straight to a school counselor (we are in the last year of high school), but that may mean that I would be forced to tell them about my own issues, which I would very much prefer not to. What do you think we should do?
A: If you believe your friend is an immediate danger to herself or others, then yes, a visit to the school counselor is warranted, and that right away.
that right awayのthatは何でしょうか?文法的にも教えてください。よろしくお願いします
that は指示代名詞。ここではa visit to the school counselorを指すのですが、
and thatで「しかも」「それも」「その上」という意味あいを添える慣用表現と考えた方がいいでしょう。
She makes mistakes very often. (よく間違いをおかす)
She makes mistakes, and that very often.(間違いをおかす、しかもたびたび)