As of this July, I will have been engaged for three years and with my boyfriend for 12. We have put off getting married for quite some time now and I have resigned myself to the fact that it may not happen. I set a date which then passed because he wanted his family present when we get married. He refuses to marry in the state his family is in because “I don’t live there and have any connection to there” he states. So, this involves his family having to come out here for us to get married. After many discussions, I have tapped out. I refuse to look at places to rent for this event or even set a date. His family thinks it is me that is putting on these demands but it’s not. I have now told him that I really don’t care if we get married (seriously, by now I’m just over it) but I get asked all the time “when are you getting married?” On one hand it’s pretty embarrassing that after 12 years we still can’t get it together.
putting on these demandsとget it togetherの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします
1。putting on these demandsの意味を教えてください。
put on は、下記の1「置く」です。
これらの要求を置くのは > このような条件にこだわって居るのは(私の方だと、彼の家族は思って居る、でもそれは違う)
2。get it togetherの意味を教えてください。
これ(=意見)が一緒になる > 意見の一致を見る >(12年もかかってまだこんなことでさえ)意見が纏まら(ないとはお恥ずかしい限りです)
putting on these demands
「これらの要求を押し付ける」ですがこのthese demandsが何かと言うと直前のrefuse to look... even set a dateは要求じゃなく拒絶出し事実でもあるので、おそらくその前の「日付を決め、彼の両親のいる州で結婚式をあげない」と言うことかと思います。
get it togetherのitは結婚でしょう。その前の“when are you getting married?” 「いつ結婚するつもりなの?」は家族、友達などから聞かれるのでしょう。本人はもう結婚をあきらめているのだけどいっぽうで(on the one hand) 12年も付き合ってcan’t get it together それを一緒に得られない、つまり一緒に結婚できない事がとても恥ずかしい。
ご回答ありがとうございます。お手数ですが、get it togetherの直接の訳をいただけますでしょうか?