My name is ****.
I have been working for (市町村) city (学校名)elementary school. as a teacher for 4 years.
Also I like sports and I think I'm pretty good at Japanese dance, JUDO and KARATE.
There are two reasons why I wants to work 日本人学校.First,It is because I was moved by the figure of the teacher who works overseas.
Second、I wants to become the power of the children who are living abroad.
I do the best for the warm class making with putting the scholastic ability of the children.
I'm always ready to smile, because I believe being happy makes children and other people feel happy, too.
I have the experience which worked at the private corporation.
Being at that work,I have learned how important a communication and positive-thinking is very imoprtant.
I'd really like to do my best as a professional of the education in Japanease asosiation school.
Thank you.
>Also I like sports and I think I'm pretty good at Japanese dance, JUDO and KARATE.
>It is because I was moved by the figure of the teacher who works overseas.
It is because と始める必要はないです。すでに2つの理由があります、一つ目は、、、と切り出しているのですから、たとえば、
First, I was very impressed by teachers who work at Japanese schools in overseas when I visited ****(国の名前).
>Second、I wants to become the power of the children who are living abroad.
Second, I'd like to help children living in abroad.
Second, I'd like to be a person who is helpful to the children through being a teacher.
>I do the best for the warm class making with putting the scholastic ability of the children.
I will do the best for making my classes warmly and developing children's ability.
>I'm always ready to smile, because I believe being happy makes children and other people feel happy, too.
I can smile even in a difficult situation because I believe a smile makes people feel happy.
Even in a difficult situation, I can bear and conquer with a smile because ---以下同じ
>I have the experience which worked at the private corporation.
I have an experience working at a private company.
>Being at that work,I have learned how important a communication and positive-thinking is very imoprtant.
I've learned how important communication and positive-thinking was in my previous job.
>I've learned how important communication and positive-thinking was in my previous job.
I've learned in my previous job how important communication and positive-thinking are.
>I have been working for (市町村) city (学校名)elementary school. as a teacher for 4 years.
→I've been working at (学校名) in (市町村名)
as ateacher for 4 years.
>Also I like sports and I think I'm pretty good at Japanese dance, JUDO and KARATE.
→also は不要だと思います。自分のことに I thinkはちょっと不自然ではないでしょうか?たとえばスポーツが好きで、柔道、空手の経験があって、何年経験があるとか、段位を持っているなどを述べてはいかがでしょうか?Japanese danceは日舞?スポーツ?
>There are two reasons why I wants to work 日本人学校.
→I wants 一人称なのでwantにsは不要です
>First,It is because I was moved by the figure of the teacher who works overseas.
>Second、I wants to become the power of the children who are living abroad.
>I do the best for the warm class making with putting the scholastic ability of the children.
→I'll do my best ~for以下はクラスを暖かくする?with以下は子どもの学力を引き出す?どちらもちょっとおっしゃりたいことはわかるような気がしますが、英文として成り立っていないように思います。
>I'm always ready to smile, because I believe being happy makes children and other people feel happy, too.
>I have the experience which worked at the private corporation.
→具体的にどういった会社で何をしていたかはいえないのでしょうか?the experience whichは要りません。
>Being at that work,I have learned how important a communication and positive-thinking is very imoprtant.
>I'd really like to do my best as a professional of the education in Japanease asosiation school.
→would like toでは強い意思が見られないので、will あたりでどうでしょう。
丁寧な添削ありがとうございます。日本語の志望動機は以下のようなものです。 ご回答いただけるとうれしいです。 英語にするとどうなるでしょうか?でもこれだと趣味やスポーツが入っていませんが・・・ きっかけは、私が教師を目指した理由にあります。大学卒業前、海外ボランティアに行く機会がありました。すでに民間企業での就職が決まっていましたが、現地で子どもたちと接する教師の姿を見て、「自分もこのように生きていきたい」と思い、通信教育で免許を取得しました。教職4年目の現在まで、私の教育の原点である在外教育の職務につく夢を抱き、自然にそのことの情報に触れたり、実際に訪問したりする中で、日本を離れて生活している子どもたちの力になりたいという夢を抱くようになったことです。