Collective action problems are a subset of coordination problems. They exist because people prefer to get things for free, or have others pay for what they get.
In order to achieve common goals like paving roads or fighting wars, it's not enough for everyone to agree. We also need enough people to contribute money or effort to accomplish the goals.
Collective action problems arise from the desire to benefit without incurring the costs. People want to enjoy the outcomes, such as paved roads or drained meadows, without having to bear the financial or physical burden.
Collective action problems are a special subset of coordination problems, and they exist because people like to get things for free, or more precisely (because everything has a cost, to somebody) they like to have others pay for what they get. It’s not enough just to get everyone to agree that paving the road, or draining the meadow, or fighting a revolutionary war are things they want; we also have to get enough people to actually contribute the money or effort it takes to accomplish our goal.
少し長いのですが、「Collective problem(集産主義問題)はcoordinate problem(調整問題)の一部です。」(subsetがここではどういう訳になるのかわかりません)
回答ありがとうございます。 内奥が内容なだけに、日本語でも少し難しいですね。 大変わかりやすかったです。 ありがとうございました!!