Practical Tips for Handling Different Rules in Raising Kids
The Challenge of Different Rules in Raising Kids
Balancing Different Rule Sets in Raising Kids
My sister and I are raising our kids (all ages 8 to 11) just a couple of blocks apart from each other, so we see quite a lot of each other. This is exactly what we hoped for!
How, practically, do we handle the very different sets of rules in our two homes? For example, my sister's husband, who is fairly religious, forbids swearing, and includes a lot of words many people wouldn't. Our rule at home is that we don't entertain any rules that are arbitrary, and "no swearing" is one of them.
includes a lot of words many people wouldn'tのあとには何が略されていいるのでしょうか?あと、entertain any rules that are arbitraryはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします
1。ncludes a lot of words many people wouldn'tのあとには何が略されていいるのでしょうか?
forbid でしょう。
2。あと、entertain any rules that are arbitraryはどのような意味でしょうか?
>includes a lot of words many people wouldn'tのあとには何が略されているのでしょうか?⇒forbidでしょう。
>あと、entertain any rules that are arbitraryはどのような意味でしょうか?