• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:長文ですがどなたか翻訳をお願いします。)

Dictatorial and Wealthy: A School of Aspiration

  • Discover the story of a school that was dictatorial and wealthy, yet held an important place in the local community. Learn about the achievements and challenges faced by its students.
  • Explore the journey of a pupil who initially struggled but eventually found success in a school with a traditional outlook. Witness the development of their physical health, memory, and various talents.
  • Unveil the secrets of a school where students not only excelled academically but also mastered the art of making excuses and telling lies. Find out how they navigated difficult situations with wit and ingenuity.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

>The school he went to was dictatorial and wealthy. It was an elaborate artistic building. Possibly one that was founded by a Princess or named after a Princess and bore her image, or arms, or monument and dedication in the building. It was not a school that will appear in the annals of history though, or ever be famous, nothing special. But it was well thought of in the local community and a school to aspire towards there. So I suppose you could say he had a good schooling in that respect. ⇒彼が行った学校は、独裁時代の、裕福で、精巧な芸術的建物でした。おそらく、妃殿下によって創立されたか、妃殿下の名をとって名づけられて、建物には彼女の彫像、武器、または記念碑や献辞が刻まれていました。しかしそれは、歴史の年代記で見かけるとか有名であるといった、特別なことは何もない学校でした。ただし、地元のコミュニティではよく思われ、入学したいと思われる学校でした。ですから彼は、その点で良い学校教育を受けた、と言うことができると思います。 >A school that may have had a traditional outlook. In his schooldays he gained physical health and strength. Though his in his early years he was not so strong. As a pupil he has a good memory, but was introspective, and held himself back not always doing the best he could have done in his lessons. His family would have helped him as much as they could at school, and to get a good education. (→,) but he may later have forgotten the help he owes to them. ⇒外観的には伝統のありそうな学校です。彼は、若い頃はそれほど強くなかったとしても、学生時代には身体的な健康と体力を得ました。生徒としては記憶力が良いのですが、内省的で、勉強では最善を尽くせるはずなのに抑えるところがありました。彼の家族は、学校でできることに負けず劣らず、同じくらい彼を助けました。しかし彼は、彼らに負っている援助を後で忘れたかもしれません。 >He would have had musical or singing ability; good at history, gambling*. (→,) politics, figures and sports. Town planning and technical drawing. Once he adapted to the school he got well with the other children and way of life. At school he was an achiever, who adapted to change, and began to find a little of his adult charisma and ability to succeed, so was bound eventually to get on at whatever he chose to do. He also became proficient there in making excuses and telling lies to extricate himself from difficult or punishing ⇒彼には、音楽や歌唱の能力がありました。彼は歴史、賭博*、政治学、数学、およびスポーツが得意でした。都市計画と技術的な図面描き(が得意でした)。学校に適応したら、彼は他の子供たちとのつきあいや生き方がうまくなりました。彼は学校では成績優秀で、変化に適応して、大人のカリスマ性と成功の能力を少し見つけ始めて、それで、結局、彼が選んだものは何でも確実に成功するようになりました。彼はまた、困難や罰から逃れるために弁解をしたり、うそつくことに長けていきました。 *何かの間違いかもしれませんが、文字通りに訳せばこうなります。(それにしても、学校の科目に「賭博」があるんでしょうかねえ!?)



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