- ベストアンサー
So I learned today that in Japan there is a holiday called white day on march 14.に 『ホワイトデーは休日じゃないよ。 バレンタインのお礼を男性が女性にする日。 アメリカとは逆で、日本ではバレンタインは女性から男性にチョコレートを恋人、旦那、または好きな人に渡す日なの。 ホワイトデーはお返しをする日。 好きじゃない女性からチョコレートをもらった場合ホワイトデーでもお返しをしなくて大丈夫だけど(笑)』と言いたいです。 『』を英語にしてくださいm(__)m
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
"White Day" is not a day off. Tha is a day a man gives a return gift for the Valentine candy. Quite the opposite of the American way, in Japan the Valentine Day is when women give chocolate candies to lovers, husbands, or men they like. So the white day is to give a return gift. In case you receive chocolate candies from a woman you don't like, a white day present is optional. lol.
その他の回答 (1)
- wonder1565
- ベストアンサー率0% (0/3)
White day is not a holiday.It is the day that man present back to woman for returning of valentine.It is opposite what we do from the way in the States,as we present chocolate from woman to lover,husband,or some one you like, in valentine day. And so,white day is the returning day.But it's all right man not to return chocolate to the woman,the case he doesn't care of her lol.