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Battle of the Isonzo: Weeks of Fighting and Terrible Weather Conditions

  • After a week of fighting that cost the lives of 4,000 men between both sides, the clashes ceased because of the terrible weather conditions and the Austro-Hungarian offensive in the Trentino.
  • Skirmishes continued between enemy platoons until March 30 and beyond, with no clear victor.
  • Cadorna called upon his Russian allies to keep the Austria-Hungarian units at bay on the Eastern front, allowing him to redeploy his forces at Trentino and abandon the Fifth Battle of the Isonzo.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10007/12518)

>After a week of fighting that cost the lives of 4,000 men between both sides, the clashes ceased because of the terrible weather conditions that worsened the trench conditions and because of the Austro-Hungarian "punitive" offensive in the Trentino. ⇒両軍の間で4,000人の兵士の生命が犠牲になった戦いの1週間後、その衝突が塹壕の状況を悪化させたひどい気象状況、およびトレンティーノのオーストリア‐ハンガリー軍の「懲罰的」攻撃のために終った。 >Along certain parts of the front, especially around Gorizia, skirmishes continued between enemy platoons until March 30 and beyond, in a protracted struggle that produced no clear victor. ⇒前線の特定部分に沿って、特にゴリツィアの周辺での、はっきりした勝者の出ない長引く闘いにおいて、こぜりあい衝突が3月30日以降まで敵対する小隊同士の間で続いた。 >Cadorna had called upon his Russian allies to keep the Austria-Hungarian units at bay on the Eastern front given Cadorna the chance to redeploy his forces at Trentino all the while abandoning the Fifth Battle of the Isonzo. ⇒カドルナは、オーストリア‐ハンガリー部隊をずっと東部前線の湾に繋ぎ止めてくれるようにロシア同盟連合国軍に求めた。第5回「イソンゾの戦い」を放棄する代りに、その際の時間をすべて使って再度トレンティーノで自軍の軍団を布陣展開する機会を得んがためであった。 >With the Fifth Battle of the Isonzo over the Italians now had to plan another assault. Cadorna put his sixth offensive on the drawing board after hearing promises of resupply from Italy's Allies. ⇒イタリア軍にかかっている第5回「イソンゾの戦い」とともに、今や軍は別の猛攻撃を計画しなければならなくなった。カドルナはイタリアの同盟連合国から再補給の約束を聞いた後に、彼の6回目の攻撃の製図(青写真)を描いた。



