- ベストアンサー
Handsome with a forceful face: A description
- A description of a man with a forceful face and a direct gaze. His hair is thick and stylish, with shades of dark chocolate brown. He has a refined and wealthy appearance.
- He has a long face with powerful delicate features. His forehead is tall and smooth, giving him a refined and intellectual look. No lines on his forehead until old age.
- Overall, he is described as handsome with a forceful face and a look of refined wealth. His hair is thick and dark, and his forehead is smooth and tall, emphasizing his refined and intellectual appearance.
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
> He is handsome with a forceful face, and a direct gaze. 彼は男性的でハンサムな顔つきをしていて、まなざしはまっすぐに相手を見つめます。 > His hair is wonderfully thick sweeping in shape and with a flick at the ends. 髪の毛は見事に豊かでやわらかくウェーブしていいて、生え際がふわっとしています。 > It is dark., well styled and comprised of dark chocolate shades of brown, some close to rusted ebony, some burnt umber. 色は黒っぽくて、整った色合いです。チョコレート色がかった暗いブラウンともいえるし、褐色ぽい黒檀色ともいえるし、焦げ茶色ともいえるかもしれません。 > He has a look of wealthy refined man. 裕福な貴公子のような風采です。 > It is a long face, with a heavy bone structure that gives powerful delicate features. 顔の形は縦長で、しっかりと頬骨が発達しているので力強さと繊細さが同居しているような感じを受けます。 > He has a high tall handsome forehead, which is smooth skinned and makes him look refined and intellectual. 額が高く形が整っていて、肌の艶がなめらかなので、上品で知的に見えます。 > It is soft beige in color with a trapezoid shape at the hair line and straight lower down by the eyes. 色はやわらかなベージュで髪の毛の生え際が台形のような形をしており、それがまっすぐ左右の眼尻へとつながっています。 > It has a faint depression or hollowed in the middle above the eyes. > 両目の上の中央部がわずかに窪んでいます。 > No lines across the forehead until old age, and even then they are faint like the hair line crack in a plate. 老年に達するまでは額に皺がよることはなく、またその年齢になってもお皿にヒビが入った程度のかすかなものでしかないでしょう。