But he is one who has dreams, such dreams, and in a way he is an escapist, he lives two lives, the real world and the world and the landscape inside his head. These are like two pages from the same book. But they never co inside. He has the dismal ability to retreat into dream when life becomes hard and the undesirable tendency to seek to escape problems this way. May have an addictive tendency, that can manifest in thoughts and dreams, or in addictive substances, but both serve the same purpose, it allows him to escape from his problems and to avoid dealing with them and facing up with courage to asserting himself to correct things in his life. It helps him endure what he cannot change. He doesn't like confrontation. He can be evasive, for example agreeable to a thing, then do nothing, which can make him seem deceptive. But it more that he avoids confrontation and difficult action. Cannot always say no, so says yes but then doesn't flow through with the thing he has agreed to. Forgets, avoids, evades, finds a way out that avoid confrontation if he can. Sees it as a sacrifice if he cannot.
色々と前後の意味が分からない状況にも関わらず、ご回答ありがとうございます! 13cm x 18cmに天地左右マージン5mmづつで、+1cmという意味だと思います。ですので、最終的なサイズは14cm x19cmということですね。 ご教授ありがとうございます。
white borderという言い方がイマイチ理解できず、白い余白を入れたいのか、額装した際にマット部分に隠れるマージンの事を言っているのか、どちらかだと思いますが。