以下は「Rust Experimental」というゲームのサーバー構築の説明の一部分です。
F1 console・・・ゲーム内でF1キーを押すと出るコマンド入力画面
Rcon tool・・・サーバーの管理者がコマンド操作でゲームをいろいろ弄れるツール(Remote control tool)
There is no rcon.login in Rust Experimental, so throw that logic out the door. Rust Experimental uses your Steam community ID/steamid64 for server authentication, so no login is needed. The authentication system is setup as auth levels, which are owner (2), moderator (1), and player (0).
The first step is to setup your initial owner, which is generally yourself, so that you can access the commands in-game via the F1 console. The initial owner (and others if desired) can be set by using either the server console or an RCON tool such as Rusty.
Local server console
This method is the easiest and best if you host a server on your own machine! Simply use the below commands:
Note: Remember to use "server.writecfg" after entering any of the above commands!
Rusty RCON administration tool
This method requires a bit more work, but is useful if you are using a paid or remote server. To use this method, you'll need to have the Rusty RCON tool downloaded and extracted.
First, you'll need to add the rcon.port and rcon.password parameters to your server's command-line if they aren't already set. The rcon.port may vary based on your host, so I'd suggest contacting them if you don't already have this set in the command-line. Generally it is one number above your normal server port.