• ベストアンサー


以下の文を英語に訳していただきたいです。 主語は私でお願いします。 ------------ 私は、裁縫があまり好きではない。しかし自分で作り出したいという思いはある。 ゴールが見えてくると頑張れるので、先に作れる物から作って見えるところに飾っておく。そうすると完成のイメージがしやすくて、早くゴールに着きたくて頑張れる。 私はダンスより先に絵(ファンアート)を描いていました。それがきっかけになって今に至ります。


  • ベストアンサー
  • hhasegawa
  • ベストアンサー率14% (56/385)

I do not like sewing very much. However, there is the thought that I want to create by oneself. Because I can do my best when I can see a goal, I decorate it in the place to make it from a thing to be able to make earlier, and to be seen. Then it is easy to do an image of the completion and I want to arrive at the goal early and can do my best. I described a painting (fan art) earlier than a dance. It is a chance and reaches it in now.

その他の回答 (1)

  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

I'm not very interested in needlecraft but I would like to have something of my own making. I won't feel like quitting sewing if I set a certain goal, so I will put one completed part of my work to another somewhere visible, so that I can feel like completing other parts as well. So by doing, I can easily imagine what I'm making, which will make me feel like completing the goal of my needlework.  Even before I dance, I was painting pictures as what we call fan art. That has a lot to do with what I'm doing now. 以上でいかがでしょうか?