まず、a lot of は、可算名詞、不可算名詞どちらにも使えます。
a lot of people, a lot of boxes, a lot of houses →可算名詞
a lot of water, a lot of fun, a lot of advice →不可算名詞
従って、a lot of pityというのは文法的にあっています。ただし、おっしゃるように例を見つけるのは大変です。私の手元の電子辞書(英語では最高ランクのもの)には載っていません。ですが、アメリカの新聞や通信社のニュースには若干見つけることが出来ます。
The Florida Marlins could have used a touch of kindness, if not a whole lot of pity, last night as the Red Sox ran roughshod over them in a record-shattering siege in which Grady Little's marauders set a major league standard by scoring 10 runs before they made an out en route to a 25-8 drubbing before a dizzied 34,764 at Fenway Park.
The Boston Globe (Boston, MA) June 28, 2003
"Zapatero participated in the NATO meeting in Bucharest with a lot of pity, and not much glory," a columnist at Spain's left-leaning El Periodico newspaper wrote at the time, lamenting the "sensation of loneliness and isolation that the prime minister exhibited by remaining seated by himself for 10 minutes while the other leaders chatted three meters (yards) away."
AP Worldstream November 10, 2008
しかし、It is a lot of pity that . . . .は見つかりません。 それに対し、great pityの組み合わせは、4000件ほど英語の新聞や雑誌、通信社情報に見つけることができます。
しかも、"It is a great pity that"で検索しても600件以上ヒットします。
It is a great pity that Mr Blair, for the sake not only of his own reputation, but also for the good name of our country, failed to follow Mr Wilson's example.
The Herald June 18, 2014
I had hoped that George might stay to sort this out. It is a great pity that a talented man has been sacrificed. While time-servers prosper.
The Mirror (London, England) November 12, 2012
ここからは私の意見ですが、pityに関しては、量的な感覚ではないのかと思います。むしろ、great pityのgreatは単なる形容しであり、a lot of pityですと、pityの量が問題になり、少し抵抗があるという意味です。much pityも検索ではそんなに多くありません。a lot of kindness, a lot of sorrowも新聞・雑誌等では100件とか200件とかしか検索が出ません。