Seminar for doctors going to Ebola-hit areas
The Japanese government has held a training session for doctors and medical workers who are scheduled to go to West Africa and join the fight against Ebola.
Nine doctors and medical workers took part in the session in Tokyo on Sunday.
At the opening, Doctor Yasuyuki Kato of the National Center for Global Health and Medicine spoke to the participants. He has been to West Africa on 2 occasions this year.
Kato said that the fight against Ebola has risks, but that he wants to share his experiences to help other medical professionals.
Participants were briefed by health ministry officials on the latest situation in the affected areas.
They learned about necessary preparations before leaving Japan, including vaccinations against diseases other than Ebola.
One participant said it is very useful to have detailed information from a doctor who was in West Africa to fight Ebola. He said he will do his best, because stopping the spread of Ebola there will help prevent the entry of the disease into Japan.
The participants will head for the affected countries around late next month.
エボラ出血熱 現地派遣の医師研修会
この研修会はエボラ出血熱の対策を研究している国の研究班が開いたもので、西アフリカに派遣される予定の大学病院の感染症が専門の医師など9人が参加しました。<br />研修会では、まずことしに入って2回現地で支援に当たった国立国際医療研究センターの加藤康幸医師が、「エボラ出血熱への対応は危険と隣り合わせだが、現地に行ったメンバーが直接経験を話すことで、皆さんの派遣を支援したい」とあいさつしました。<br />参加者らはこのあと厚生労働省の担当者から現地の最新の状況について説明を受けるほか、帰国後にエボラ出血熱以外の原因で発熱し混乱を招くことなどがないよう、ほかの病気のワクチン接種など、出発前の準備について学ぶことになっています。<br />参加した東北大学の中島一敏医師は、「経験者から現地の生活や治安状況など詳しい話を聞けるのは、準備をするうえでとても参考になります。西アフリカでの流行を食い止めることが日本にウイルスが入ってくる可能性を下げることにつながるので、現地でしっかり働いてきたい」と話していました。<br />26日に参加した医師らは来月下旬ごろから順次現地に向かうということです。
One participant said it is very useful to have detailed information from a doctor who was in West Africa to fight Ebola. ...
One participant said it is very useful to have detailed information from the doctor, who was in West Africa to fight Ebola. ...