• 締切済み

cram school と juku

日本の塾、いわゆる進学塾もありますが、個別指導型の、補充的指導を行う塾は外国にみられないと聞きました。 なので英語で塾はjukuと答えたのですが、イギリスの人にcram schoolでいいんじゃない?と言われ、上記の説明をしたかったのですが、うまく英語に出来ず… どう説明したらいいでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。


  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

In Japan, many children go to juku. Juku may be a cram school, but actually we have three types of juku; one is where students study to understand what they are being taught at school they go to. After school, they go to such juku and study what they study at school. The second type of juku is like a private tutor. You can do whatever you want to improve your grades at school. The other kind of juku is so called a prep school. You go to one of those prep schools to pass entrance exams for college. 以上でいかがでしょうか?
