fast food is available just about everywhere.
the typical McDonald's is usually a burger, french fries and a soda. the fast food industry uses many tricks to get you to eat more, and keep you coming back for more. They target kids and adults alike. their tactic skills will make you become addicted to the fast food they serve. once you get used to it, you cannot escape frnm it.
the bad effects of fast food have been shared with the public. with the heavily processed standard American diet, nearly seven out of ten Americans are overweight, and one in four is affected with diabetes or pre-diabetes. many studies in the US have been shared to warn the public about the dangers of eating too much fast food. the university of Minnesota studied 3,031 men and women for fifteen years, and they discovered that people who ate fast food twice a week gained five extra kilograms.
according to a BBC survey conducted in 13 countries, people in the uk are ranked top for junk food addiction. what is more, many studies have shown that chemicals in fast food, including food additives, are harmful to our health. the more you find out about processed food, the less attractive it becomes.
なるほど。フォークという野蛮な道具をいまだに使い、エレガントに物を喰えない気の毒な人々と私も思ってましたが、難しい技術を必要としないという意味では進んだ道具と言えるのかもしれませんね。 イギリス人らしい考え方ですね(ってイギリス人をよく知ってるわけではないですが。^^)ひょっとしたら英国風ひねりで、わざとフォークを上に持ってきた表現をしたのかも?なんて。 示唆に富むご解説をありがとうございます!