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Short Stories about Food: A Journey of Life and Death

  • Discover the intriguing world of food through short stories woven into the main narrative. Experience the protagonist's love for noodles as they savor each bite of ramen, unveiling the essence of life with every slurp.
  • Immerse yourself in the intricacies of human existence as the short episodes explore various lives intertwined with the theme of food. From joyous celebrations to poignant farewells, each story encapsulates the eternal dance between life and death.
  • Embark on a gastronomic adventure that goes beyond the gastronomic delights. Delve into the profound connections between food and the human experience, as this captivating tale reveals the unbreakable bond between life's simplest pleasures and the circle of existence.


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

[The film is structured such that] the main story is [sprinkled with]*1 short stories about food. [It is like having "ramen,"] [ingesting]*2 the main noodle, while sipping the soup and [tasting the fillings]*3 little by little. [Different] [ways of living]*4 are [portrayed]*5 in the short episodes, where "life and death" [lie alway next to eachother.]*6 *1: https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=sprinkle *2: https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=ingest *3: https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=filling *4: https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=way+of+living *5: https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=portray *6: https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=lie+next+to+each+other ** 今のところ分かっているのは 「Shll We Dance」 「羅生門」 「たんぽぽ」 です。('◇')ゞ



そうです。 その映画のことです! たんぽぽや羅生門は昔の映画なので(有名ですが)驚きました。 特にたんぽぽ。 回答ありがとうございます。 参考になりました。

その他の回答 (1)

  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

No.1 です。訂正です。 ラーメンの「具」は、fillings ではなく toppings の方が適切です。 [It is like having "ramen,"] [ingesting] the main noodle, while sipping the soup and [tasting the TOPPINGS]* little by little. *: https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=topping 失礼しました。



わざわざ訂正していただきありがとうございます。 toppingsなんですね。 日本でもトッピングと言いますよね。それと同じなんですね。知らなかったです。 ありがとうございました!