• 締切済み

高校3年 英語について

強調構文についてで It was in the park that I saw him on Monday.をIt is~thatの強調構文 She met him at the station yesterday.のat the stationを強調する文、yesterdayを強調する文 Ampan-man bests Baikin-man by Am-punch. でアンパンマンを強調する文、バイキンマンを強調する文、アンパンチでを強調する文 上記の問題を強調構文(It~that・・・)に直した英文の答えを教えてください!



…NO2です。 3)回答抜けてました。 ■アンパンチでを強調する文 It is by Am-punch that Ampan-man beats Baikin-man


これで良いと思います。 1) It is in the park that I see him on Monday. 2) ■at the stationを強調する文   It was at the station that she met him yesterday. ■yesterdayを強調する文.   It was yesterday that she met him at the station. 3) ■アンパンマンを強調する文  It is Ampan-man who beats Baikin-man by Am-punch ■バイキンマンを強調する文、アンパンチでを強調する文  It is Baikin-man who is beaten by Ampan-man by Am-punch

  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

It was in the park that I saw him on Monday. →すでにit was . . . thatになっていますが. . . It was at the station that she met him yesterday. It was yesterday that she met him at the station. Ampan-man bests Baikin-man by Am-punch. It is Ampan-man that bests Baikin-man by Am-punch. It is Baikin-man that Ampan-man bests by Am-punch. It is by Am-punch that Ampan-man bests Baikin-man. 以上でいかがでしょうか?
