• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英訳をお願いします!)


  • ハンニバルとは、北アフリカのカルタゴが故郷で、フェニキアを離れた海洋民族でした。
  • 紀元前264年に始まったローマとカルタゴの戦争は、ローマが勝利し、西地中海に君臨することとなりました。
  • ローマは初め海上戦術を知らず、海軍も持たなかったが、地上戦のアイデアで勝利を収めました。


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

Hannibal is from Carthage in North Africa. Carthaginians were a seafaring people who left their homeland in Phoenicia. They set up colonies in North Africa and Spain, and also on the island of Sicily. One of Phoenician colonies was the North African city of Carthage, which was a busy trading port for merchants. Carthage gained independence from its mother country, conquered other Phoenician colonies, and founded colonies of its own. A titanic struggle between Rome and Carthage began in 264 BCE. This struggle was called the First Punic War, which was over after 24 years of battle. Rome dominated the western Mediterranean. Both Rome and Carthage conflicted with each other with a view to dominating the western Mediterranean. At the beginning of the First Punic War, the Romans didn't know how to fight on the sea. They had no navy, either. They had only trading ships. The Romans had to have a disadvantage battle because the Carthaginians had a good navy. However, the Romans devised a new way to change naval battles into ground battles, and they beat the Carthaginian navy. I think the Romans were excellent in their tactics.



