• 締切済み


英語に翻訳して欲しいです。手紙を出したいので、出来るだけ自然な感じでお願いします。 よろしくお願い致します。 さっきは話してくれてありがとう。私は今の仕事をして3年目になります。だから前以上に自分の将来のことをとても考えている。今の仕事を続けるのか?それとも、仕事を辞めて海外に働きに行くのか?凄く悩んでいます。仕事を辞めて海外に行くのはとても勇気がいるし、帰って来てから日本で仕事が見つかるかわからないからリスクが高い。あなたは私にまだ若いから大丈夫って言ってくれたよね?確かに、そうだと思う。でも、だからこそ20代を無駄に生きたくはないの。死ぬときにああすればよかったとか後悔なんてしたくない。だから、有意義な人生にするにはどうすればいいのかいつも考えながら日々働いています。ところで、日本に英語の先生として滞在するのはとてもいい経験になると思います。自分の国以外での文化や考え方、食べ物の違いなど沢山のことを学べると思う。その経験をあなたの今後の人生に役立てれるといいですね。あなたと話すと前向きになれます!いつも、私の話を聞いてくれてありがとう!一日でも早くあなたに会えるのを楽しみにしています!


  • renkorus
  • ベストアンサー率38% (34/88)

Thank you for talking with me earlier. I have been working for 3 years and agonizing about my future whether to continue or quit my job and go overseas. To go overseas, it will require a lot of courage and I am worried about the uncertainty of finding a job when I return to Japan. You told me “Don’t worry It will be OK because you are still young.” I agree with you that I am young but precisely that is the point.; because of it I don’t want to waste my 20’s. I don’t want to regret what I have not done in life when I am in my death bed. As I work every day, I try to live my life to the fullest. By the way, it will be a good experience for you to stay in Japan to teach English. It will enrich your life by experiencing different culture, customs and food while you are in Japan. Thank you for listening., you always help me to think positively whenever we talk. I look forward to seen you soon. このように訳してみました。


I just was telling me, thank you. I have to work now, will be the third year. So the their future very thinks than before. Keep my job? Or go to quit their jobs and work abroad? Very puzzling. I don't know in Japan and quitting my job and going abroad is that very courage and came back from the job found higher risk. You're told me that from the still young I guess to me? To be sure, I think so. But why are 20-somethings live in vain. When you die Oh do good or don't want to regret it. So, thinking or how do I make a meaningful life always worked every day. By the way, I think is to stay in Japan as an English teacher would be a very good experience. So the difference in countries other than their culture and mindset and food I think and learn a lot. It is utilized to help the experience your future life nice. Speak with you positively to all guests! Always, thanks for listening to me, thank you! I'm looking forward to seeing you again as soon as even one day! 遅くなってm(_ _)mね


