■ スペルミスについて:
× goverment → ○ government
× mesures → ○ measures
ちなみに、government = govern + ment, environment = environ + ment と覚えておくとよいです。
■ 短縮形はフォーマルなライティングでは使わないこと:
I don't agree withなどで、don't が多用されていますが、do notを使いましょう。短縮形はアカデミックライティングではご法度です。これ以外の例として、can'tは使わずにcannotを使うなどがあります。
■ つなぎの文章で、「したがって○○」としたいときに、So,...を文頭では使わないこと:
so, I think that the finance of Japan → Therefore / Thus, ...などに変える。
■ 文章の構造を分析する:
[Introduction: 導入部]
not agree two reasons
[Body: 本体]
Reason 1) ←文頭に要約
more people are getting older.
birth rate lower → number of young people who can work decrease
→ influence the economy of Japan badly
Reason 2 ) ←文頭に要約
birth rate getting lower → population decrease
the amount of pension decrease → finance of Japan in danger in the future
[Conclusion: 結論]
goverment should take some mesures←これを最後にいう方がよい気がする。
do not agree←こちらを先に言ったほうがよいのでは?
■ BodyのReason1&2の文頭に概要を盛り込む:
理由1を要約すると、 「出生率の低下は労働力の減少につながる」、
Decline in the birth rate will lead to a reduction in the labor force.
理由2では、 「出生率の低下は、年金等の財政に悪影響をおよぼす」
The birth rate decline will have adverse effects on finance.
■ Conclusionの要約に使う決めゼリフはパターン化している。
“Thus”, I don't agree..となっていますが、これについては、In summary、In conclusion、To sum up、In my opinion、Overallなどに変えた方がよいです。
[1] 原文の形を残したもの:
I do not agree with this statement. I have two reasons why I think so. First, these days, more and more people are getting older. If the birth rate should be getting lower and lower, the number of young people who can work actively would decrease. I think that this will influence the economy of Japan badly. Secondly, needless to say, if the birth rate is getting lower and lower, the population of Japan would also decrease. This means that the amount of pension which people pay will decrease. Therefore, I think that the finance of Japan would be in danger in the future. In order to solve these problems, the government should take some measures quickly. Thus, I do not agree that the low birth rate is not quite a problem for Japan.
[2] 以上の内容を盛り込んで、文章の構造も変えたもの:
I do not agree with this opinion. There are two reasons why I think so.
Firstly, decline of birth rate will lead to a shortage of workforce. These days, more and more people are getting older. If the birth rate should drop, the number of young people who can actively participate in the workplace would decrease. Therefore, I think it will have adverse impacts on Japanese economy.
Secondly, the decline of birthrate will have negative effects on finance. If the birth rate is getting lower, the population of Japan would also decrease. This means that the amount of pension which people pay will decrease.
In conclusion, I disagree with their opinion that the low birth rate is not quite a problem for Japan. I believe the finance of Japan would be in danger in the future. In order to tackle these issues, the government should take some measures quickly.